
I’m Whitney. I was diagnosed with cancer in 2017 and ever since then I’ve been living life adventure to adventure in between chemotherapy and surgeries.

Monday Moments

Monday Moments

Subscribing to a weekly delivery of fresh blooms has been a little indulgence that has really helped lift my spirits, these are from The Stemmery

Subscribing to a weekly delivery of fresh blooms has been a little indulgence that has really helped lift my spirits, these are from The Stemmery

I can’t believe it’s the last week of April/first week of May! It has now been 42 days since David and I have been officially sheltering in place. This last week there were a couple of days that I really struggled emotionally and the return of the rain to Seattle didn’t help. These are somethings that helped me get out of my funk.

On the days I am feeling awful (like today, day after chemo), I just let myself do nothing. I normally make a bit of a checklist/to-do list for the day to help me structure my time between writing, reading, exercising and cleaning. If I wake up and I know it won’t be a productive day, I try to let go of what I had intended to do, and let myself relax. Then I enhance relaxation by taking a bath, lighting a candle, reading, and watching TV/movies. It really helps to calm my anxiety when I don’t feel like I have an agenda.

After I’m feeling better I start to bring those morning routines back in so I can feel like I’ve accomplished goals each day, even if those goals are 20 min on the Peloton, a walk outside with Kodi, or finishing the New York Times crossword.

This past week was my “off week” from chemo and I had a lot more energy than the previous week. I had chemo on Monday, April 13th that pretty much wiped me out for the whole week. Thank god my mom is still staying with us and made sure we were all fed and Kodi was walked and the house was clean.

Over the weekend and last week I started to feel a lot better, more energy, less nauseous. So I decided to challenge myself to move my body for at least 30min per day. It’s been helping so much with my mood and overall sense of accomplishment. Will share some of my favorites as time goes on.

Here are some other moments from the last week that brought me joy.

Lunch al fresco on our back patio complete with Nancy Silverton’s chopped salad and homemade margs!

Lunch al fresco on our back patio complete with Nancy Silverton’s chopped salad and homemade margs!

This buddy is just way too cute, and with the lighting and rainbow, it’s too much

This buddy is just way too cute, and with the lighting and rainbow, it’s too much

Had the best sushi meal since our Japan trip in the form of takeout from Wataru

Had the best sushi meal since our Japan trip in the form of takeout from Wataru

Received our first CSA box from Manolin, one of our favorite restaurants

Received our first CSA box from Manolin, one of our favorite restaurants

Spring is going in full force here and it’s such a delight.

Spring is going in full force here and it’s such a delight.

When Life Happens

When Life Happens

Monday Moments

Monday Moments